Pioneering Tradition: Gen Z's Search for Control 

As Gen Z finds their feet in adulthood, they balance bold innovation with a yearning for tradition, redefining what it means to find stability in an ever-changing world. 

Rooted in the unique circumstances of their upbringing, like every generation, Gen Z has faced its share of challenges. However, few others can claim that their most formative adolescent years were marked by an unprecedented pause. The pandemic forced most of society to put their lives on hold and this, for Gen Z, came during a time of critical growth and development. Two years of youth that, for many, feel lost. This abrupt interruption compounded existing financial instability, leaving many of them doubting if they will ever be able to truly feel stable, buy a house, or take on the responsibilities of parenthood. 

When examined closely, our research revealed a fascinating dichotomy about Gen Z, which helps explains much about the seemingly confusing nature of a uniquely post-millennium generation — one from which brands and consumers can learn.  

A generation tethered by self-direction. 

We have consistently seen hedonism and belonging as key motivators for youth as far back as Gen X. However, perhaps there are other important motivators driving Gen Z which speak to further fragmentation and diversification? Around 1 in 10 of Gen Z are driven primarily by self-direction – a keen desire to explore their identity, live life their way and grasp all the opportunities that come their way. This group looks to the future, changing the way things are done by taking life into their own hands. On the opposite side of the spectrum, we see 2 in 5 of Gen Z are motivated by a need for control and security, carefully managing their environment, including looking to the past to find security in the way things used to be done. 

For many there is a dualism at play: inspired by youthful determination to seek out their own path, but feeling constrained by the impression of a near-dystopian world which never cuts them a break, creating a tension between a self-determined future and the need to stay secure in the current or past.  

This scrappy go-getter attitude is apparent in Gen Z's keen entrepreneurial spirit. Side hustles are commonplace, and when it comes to content creation - what was once a niche has now become a legitimate career path. Upcycling clothing, shopping solely on Vinted or in charity shops merge self-expression with a uniquely 2020s approach to budgeting. 

A generation lost in a transient world. 

And yet, is self-direction enough to stabilise such a murky world? 'If I can change the world so easily, if I can change the way things are done and I do things, if the world itself is not constant, is anything?' (Gen Z, Female). Here lie the foundations for Gen Z's need for control. 

Gen Z demonstrate profound feelings of longing for tradition and steadiness. Whilst instability propels them forwards to look to new ways of doing things, many of Gen Z find deep comfort in the past. This duality defines their approach to life, where innovation coexists with a longing for the familiar and, ultimately, yearning for control. 

 With family, Gen Z represent a more traditional view of values, with many living at home for longer due to financial instability. Research supports this: Gen Z are more likely to place higher priority on family relationships than other generations (34% Gen Z vs 29% Millennials). The "tradwife" movement on TikTok is a striking example of this longing. Despite championing gender fluidity and equality, some of Gen Z are drawn to traditional gender roles as a way to reclaim order and predictability in a world that often feels out of control. This embrace of tradition extends beyond social roles; it reflects a broader trend of seeking stability through familiar practices. Gen Z are looking for stability and support in familial connections that the outside and digital world cannot provide. 

A generation connecting to the corporeal. 

Gen Z are finding connection and control amongst more in-person formats than ever before, and this is likely to continue to rise. After years of digital immersion, Gen Z are gravitating towards physical activities that reconnect them with their bodies. This trend transcends traditional gender norms, with mixed-gender sports and fitness activities becoming more popular. The Aspen Institute's Project Play report highlights the growing popularity of co-ed sports, especially at the youth level. The focus is more on physicality as a means of self-expression, resilience and ultimately control over their self-hood, their bodies and their minds rather than as a gendered pursuit. 

Despite clearly being deep digital natives, many are already adopting digitally minimalist practices, consciously reducing screen times and doing away with social media. I know, I know - TikTok trends (tradwives) and an anti-social media argument in one go, but therein lies the dichotomy. Constant connectivity has left even those born into it feeling overwhelmed and placing deliberate effort on regaining their peace and focus. 

What to do with a generation of tradition and trendsetting. 

Ultimately, as with every generational analysis, understanding Gen Z means understanding the complexity of identity. For brands, this means looking inwards at the way organisational structures are set in place. Brands willing to decentre rigid gender norms and innovate with Gen Z, whilst demonstrating a grounding in stability, community, belonging and purpose will stand in good stead for the future. 

Growing up amidst significant global instability has shaped a generation that looks forward with courage and self-direction, but also yearns for the security and control of the past and brands must reflect this. The complexity of dichotomy leads to a group who strive for the future, never settling for what currently exists, whilst yearning for the past. In this tension they find their strength, grounded in the ‘trad’, continuously making the ‘trend’. 

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Context influences decisions. We should embrace it.